Apply isTopOrIncAndNotExcl filter to a matrix
applyTopOrIncAndNotExclFilter(matrix, MARGIN, top = 1, falseValue = 0, ...)
A matrix.
Integer, 1 stands for row and 2 stands for column, passed to apply
Integer, how many top elements should be kept, passed to isTopOrIncAndNotExcl
The same type as data in the matrix, used to replace values that is FALSE
when judged by isTopOrIncAndNotExcl
Further parameters passed to isTopOrIncAndNotExcl
, including incFunc
, excFunc
, and decreasing
The function applies the filter function isTopOrIncAndNotExcl
to each row or each column to a matrix, keeps the values that are TRUE
based on the logical vector returned by function, and replaces the values that are FALSE
with the value defined by falseValue
A matrix with the same dimnames but with elements not satisfying isTopOrIncAndNotExcl
replaced by falseValue
myMat <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4,8,7,6,5,12,9,11,10), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE,
dimnames=list(c("A", "B", "C"), c("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta")))
#> Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
#> A 1 2 3 4
#> B 8 7 6 5
#> C 12 9 11 10
applyTopOrIncAndNotExclFilter(myMat, 1, top=2, falseValue=-1)
#> Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
#> A -1 -1 3 4
#> B 8 7 -1 -1
#> C 12 -1 11 -1
applyTopOrIncAndNotExclFilter(myMat, 2, top=2, falseValue=-1)
#> Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
#> A -1 -1 -1 -1
#> B 8 7 6 5
#> C 12 9 11 10
applyTopOrIncAndNotExclFilter(myMat, 2, top=2, falseValue=-1, decreasing=FALSE)
#> Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
#> A 1 2 3 4
#> B 8 7 6 5
#> C -1 -1 -1 -1
applyTopOrIncAndNotExclFilter(myMat, 1, top=2, falseValue=-1, incFunc=function(x) x%%2==0)
#> Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
#> A -1 2 3 4
#> B 8 7 6 -1
#> C 12 -1 11 10
applyTopOrIncAndNotExclFilter(myMat, 1, top=2, falseValue=-1,
incFunc=function(x) x%%2==0, excFunc=function(x) x<5)
#> Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
#> A -1 -1 -1 -1
#> B 8 7 6 -1
#> C 12 -1 11 10