All functions |
Testing whether several objects are all identical with each other |
Apply isTopOrIncAndNotExcl filter to a matrix |
Convert string-valued data frame or matrix into a numeric matrix |
Assert whether the required column names exist |
Check dimensionality of contrast matrix |
Check dimensionality of design matrix |
Check dimensionality of both design and contrast matrix |
Print BEDA project information |
Translate BiOmics-Pathology pstore path to URL |
Set boundaries for numeric values, or perform a 0-1 normalization. |
Column bind by rownames |
Check whether file(s) exist |
Print the chosen few items of a long vector |
Close connections to all loggers This function closes all open connections set up by loggers It is automatically run at the end of the R session (setup by |
Pairwise jaccard/overlap coefficient can be calculated efficiently using matrix Pairwise overlap coefficient of binary matrix by column |
Compare two vectors by set operations |
Calculate correlation coefficients using common rows of the two matrices |
Count tokens by splitting strings |
Create a directory if it does not exist, and then make sure the creation was successful. |
Cumulative Jaccard Index |
Cumulative overlap coefficient |
Proportion of cumulative sum over sum |
Cut a vector of numbers into interval factors. |
Cut a tree into groups of ordered sizes |
Get a factor vector for a data.frame |
Convert factor columns in a data.frame into character strings |
Format labels for wells in microwell plates to equal widths |
Get the base and extension(s) of file name(s) |
Make the first alphabet of strings uppercase |
Shorten strings to strings with a fix width of characters |
Ensure the Truth of R Expressions and Print Defined Error Message if NOT |
head/tail function for matrix or data.frame |
Print head and tail elements of a vector |
Test whether two matrices are identical by values and by dim names |
Test whether two matrices have the same numerica values given certain accuracy |
Case-insensitive match and pmatch |
Invert the names and elements of a list |
Checks existing directory |
Tell whether an object is an error |
Whether an integer is odd (or even) |
Tell whether a character string is a Roche compound ID |
Logical vector of being top or included and not excluded |
Calculate the Jaccard Index between two vectors |
Return last characters from strings |
Load a library mutedly and quit (die) in case of failing |
Transform a list of character strings into a data.frame |
Pairwise overlap coefficient of lists |
Convert a long-format data frame into matrix |
Match a column in data.frame to a master vector |
Match a given vector to column names of a data.frame or matrix |
Transform a matrix into a long-format data.frame |
Merge infrequent levels by setting the threshold of the proportion of cumulative sum over sum a.k.a. cumsumprop |
Multiple identical |
Multiple matching |
Operations for multiple sets |
Replace NA with FALSE |
Calculate pairwise distances between each pair of items in a list |
Ordered factor |
Reorder the groups by their group size |
Overlap coefficient, also known as Szymkiewicz-Simpson coefficient |
Overwrite a directory |
Transform p-values to continuous scores with the absolute-log10 transformation |
Transform p-values to continuous scores with the quantile function of the normal distribution |
Transform p-values to continuous scores |
Calculate pairwise Jaccard Indices between each pair of items in a list |
Calculate pairwise overlap coefficients between each pair of items in a list |
Print a decimal number in procent format |
Print BEDAinfo object |
Rearrange columns to put some columns to far left |
Decode password with function implemented with pwencode |
Encode a password |
Quitely Quit with Messages |
Quietly runs a system command |
Sort numeric factor levels by values |
The functions |
Relevel a factor by a named or unnamed vector. |
Relevel a factor by a named vector. |
Relevel a factor by a unnamed vector. |
Reload a package |
Remove columns |
Remove rows or column by function |
Remove columns in a matrix that contains one or more NAs |
Remove invariable columns from a data frame or matrix |
Remove rows in a matrix that contains one or more NAs |
Replace column names in data.frame |
Replace p-values of zero |
A temporary directory which (1) every machine in the cluster has access to and (2) has sufficient space |
A temporary file which (1) every machine in the cluster has access to and (2) there is sufficient space |
ribiosUtils |
Remove temporary files at a specified time interval from now |
Extract core identifiers from Roche compound IDs |
S3 method for row-scaling |
Scale a matrix by row |
Scale a table by row |
Reverse rank order |
Get reverse rank orders in each column |
Return a matrix that highlights reverse rank orders of features of interest by column |
Reverse setdiff |
Prepare R for an interactive script |
Functions for command-line Rscript debugging |
Shorten Roche compounds identifiers |
Shorten strings to a given number of characters |
Keep silent by suppressing warnings and messages |
Sort a numeric vector and filter by a threshold of cumsumprop |
Sort data.frame rows by values in specified columns |
Sort matrix by dim names |
Tokenize strings by character |
Repeat garbage-collecting until all resource is freed |
Subset a data.frame by column name, allowing differences in cases |
Summarizing rows/columns by a factor |
Trim leading and tailing spaces from string |
Length of unique elements in a vector |
Make a vector free of NA and unique |
Print messages conditional on the verbose level |
Translate well index numbers to well positions |
System user name |
Write text as log to a connection |