This function prints head and tail elements of a vector for visualization purposes. See examples for its usage.
headtail(vec, head = 2, tail = 1, collapse = ", ")
A character string representing the vector
Head and tail elements are concatenated with ellipsis, if there are any elements that are not shown in the vector.
testVec1 <- LETTERS[1:10]
#> [1] "A, B, ..., J"
headtail(testVec1, head=3, tail=3)
#> [1] "A, B, C, ..., H, I, J"
headtail(testVec1, head=3, tail=3, collapse="|")
#> [1] "A|B|C|...|H|I|J"
testVec2 <- letters[1:3]
headtail(testVec2, head=1, tail=1)
#> [1] "a, ..., c"
headtail(testVec2, head=2, tail=1)
#> [1] "a, b, c"