Case-insensitive match and pmatch functions, especially useful in parsing user inputs, e.g. from command line.

imatch(x, table, ...)



String vector


A vector to be matched


Other parameters passed to match or pmatch


imatch and ipmatch returns matching indices, or NA (by default) if the match failed.

matchv, imatchv and ipmatchv returns the matching element in table, or NA if the match failed. Note that when cases are different in x and table, the one in table will be returned. This is especially useful for cases where user's input has different cases as the internal options.


imatch and ipmatch works similar as match and pmatch, except that they are case-insensitive.

matchv, imatchv and ipmatchv are shot-cuts to get the matched value (therefore the ‘v’) if the match succeeded, or NA if not. match(x, table) is equivalent to table[match(x, table)]. See examples.

See also


Jitao David Zhang <>


user.input <- c("hsv", "BvB")
user.input2 <- c("HS", "BV")
internal.options <- c("HSV", "FCB", "BVB", "FCN")

match(user.input, internal.options)
#> [1] NA NA
imatch(user.input, internal.options)
#> [1] 1 3
ipmatch(user.input, internal.options)
#> [1] 1 3
ipmatch(user.input2, internal.options)
#> [1] 1 3

matchv(user.input, internal.options)
#> [1] NA NA
matchv(tolower(user.input), tolower(internal.options))
#> [1] "hsv" "bvb"
imatchv(user.input, internal.options)
#> [1] "HSV" "BVB"
ipmatchv(user.input, internal.options)
#> [1] "HSV" "BVB"
ipmatchv(user.input2, internal.options)
#> [1] "HSV" "BVB"