Merge infrequent levels by setting the threshold of the proportion of cumulative sum over sum a.k.a. cumsumprop
thr = 0.9,
mergedLevel = "others",
returnFactor = TRUE
Character strings or factor.
Numeric, between 0 and 1, how to define frequent levels. Default: 0.9, namely levels which make up over 90% of all instances.
Character, how the merged level should be named.
Logical, whether the value returned should be coereced into a factor.
A character string vector or a factor, of the same length as the
input classes
, but with potentially fewer levels.
In case only one class is deemed as infrequent, its label is unchanged.
myVals <- sample(c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 3), rep("C", 2), "D"))
## in the example below, since A, B, C make up of 90% of the total,
## D is infrequent. Since it is alone, it is not merged
mergeInfreqLevelsByCumsumprop(myVals, 0.9)
#> [1] C A D B C B A A A B
#> Levels: A B C D
mergeInfreqLevelsByCumsumprop(myVals, 0.9, returnFactor=FALSE) ## return characters
#> [1] "C" "A" "D" "B" "C" "B" "A" "A" "A" "B"
## in the example below, since A and B make up 70% of the total,
## and A, B, C 90%, they are all frequent and D is infrequent.
## Following the logic above, no merging happens
mergeInfreqLevelsByCumsumprop(myVals, 0.8)
#> [1] C A D B C B A A A B
#> Levels: A B C D
mergeInfreqLevelsByCumsumprop(myVals, 0.7) ## A and B are left, C and D are merged
#> [1] others A others B others B A A A B
#> Levels: A B others
mergeInfreqLevelsByCumsumprop(myVals, 0.5) ## A and B are left, C and D are merged
#> [1] others A others B others B A A A B
#> Levels: A B others
mergeInfreqLevelsByCumsumprop(myVals, 0.4) ## A is left
#> [1] others A others others others others A A A others
#> Levels: A others
mergeInfreqLevelsByCumsumprop(myVals, 0.3) ## A is left
#> [1] others A others others others others A A A others
#> Levels: A others