Sort a numeric vector and filter by a threshold of cumsumprop

sortAndFilterByCumsumprop(x, thr = 0.9)



Numeric vector, usually named


Threshold, default 0.9, meaning that items whose proportion of cumulative sum just above 0.9 are kept.


Another numeric vector, likely shorter than x, items whose cumsumprop is equal or lower than thr. The rest items are summed into one new item, with the name rest

This function can be useful to extract from a long numeric vector the largest items that dominate the sum of the vector


x <- c("A"=1,"B"=2,"C"=3,"D"=4,"E"=400,"F"=500)
sortAndFilterByCumsumprop(x, thr=0.99) ## F and E should be returned
#>    F    E    D rest 
#>  500  400    4    6