The function writeLog can be used to log outputs and/or running status of scripts to one connection. To use it one does not need to run registerLog first.

writeLog(fmt, ..., con = stdout(), level = 0)



Format string to passed on to sprintf


Parameters passed on to sprintf


A connection, for instance a file (or its name) or stdout()


Logging level: each higher level will add one extra space before the message. See examples


Side effect is used.


In contrast, doLog can be used to log on multiple connections that are registered by registerLog. Therefore, to register logger(s) with registerLog is a prerequisite of calling doLog. Internally doLog calls writeLog sequentially to make multiple-connection logging.

See also

registerLog to register more than one loggers so that doLog can write to them sequentially.


Jitao David Zhang <>


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  writeLog("This is the start of a log")
  writeLog("Message 1", level=1)
  writeLog("Message 1.1", level=2)
  writeLog("Message 1.2", level=2)
  writeLog("Message 2", level=1)
  writeLog("Message 3", level=1)
  writeLog("Message 3 (special)", level=4)
  writeLog("End of the log");
  ## log with format
  writeLog("This is Message %d", 1)
  writeLog("Square of 2 is %2.2f", sqrt(2))
  ## NA is handled automatically
  writeLog("This is a not available value: %s", NA, level=1)
  writeLog("This is a NULL value: %s", NULL, level=1)
} # }