
besca.pp.fraction_counts(adata, species='human', name='percent_mito', use_genes='SYMBOL', specific_file=None)[source]

Function to calculate fraction of counts per cell from a gene list. This function calculates the fraction of counts per cell for a list of genes (for example mito genes) if no specific file is given. Note that the input file consists of two columns (ENSEMBL gene id and gene symbol) tab separated

  • adata (AnnData) – AnnData object

  • species (str | default = human) – species for mitochondrial content evaluation

  • name (str | default = percent_mito) – String identifying the column name to which the results should be written to in the AnnData.obs object

  • use_genes (SYMBOL or ENSEMBL | default = SYMBOL) – String defining whether ENSEMBL id’s or gene symbols are used in the adata.var_names (defines which column of input gene list is read)

  • specific_file (str | default None.) – if indicated, the file will be used to extract the gene list


Returns None but updates adata with new column named ‘name’ containing calculated fraction of counts.

Return type:



>>> import besca as bc
>>> import os
>>> adata = bc.datasets.simulated_pbmc3k_raw()
>>> bc.pp.fraction_counts(adata,  'human', use_genes='SYMBOL', specific_file=f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)[:-3]}/datasets/mito_files/test.mito.tsv")
>>> counts = adata.obs.head(5)