Users can register arbitrary numbers of loggers with registerLog, and the functions take care of low-level details such as openning and closing the connections.

registerLog(..., append = FALSE)



Arbitrary numbers of file names (character strings) or connection objects (see example).


Logical, log will be appended to the existing file but not overwriting. Only valid for files but not for connections such as standard output.


No value returned: its side effect is used.


Input parameters can be either character strings or connections (such as the objects returned by stdout() or pipe().

If a character string is registered as a logger, it is assumed as a file name (user must make sure that it is writable/appendable). In case the file exists, new logging messages will be appended; otherwise if the file does not exists, it will be created and the logging messages will be written to the file.

A special case is the parameter value "-": it will be interpreted as standard output.

if a connection is registered as a logger, it must be writable in order to write the logging messages.

Each parameter will be converted to a connection object, which will be closed (when applicable) automatically before R quits.

If the parameter is missing (or set to NA or NULL), no logging will take place.


Currently, the loggers are stored in a variable in the namespace of ribiosUtils named RIBIOS_LOGGERS. This is only for internal use of the package and may change any time, therefore users are not advised to manipulate this variable directly.

To clear the registered loggers, use clearLog.To flush the registered loggers, use flushLog. Usually it is not necessary to use flushLog in R scripts, since by program exit the active R session will automatically flush and close the connections (in addition, frequent flushing may decrease the program's efficiency). However, if used in interactive sessions, sometimes flushLog is needed to force R write all log files to all connections that are registered.

See also

doLog writes messages iteratively to each connection registered by registerLog.


Jitao David Zhang <>


if (FALSE) {
  logfile1 <- tempfile()
  logfile2 <- tempfile()
  logcon3 <- stdout()
  if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
  } else {
  doLog("Start logging")
  doLog("Do something...")
  doLog("End logging")
  flushLog() ## usually not needed, see notes
  txt1 <- readLines(logfile1)
  txt2 <- readLines(logfile2)
  registerLog(logfile1, logfile2, logcon3)
  doLog("Start logging - round 2")
  doLog("Do something again ...")
  doLog("End logging - for good")
  flushLog() ## usually not needed, see notes
  txt1 <- readLines(logfile1)
  txt2 <- readLines(logfile2)
  ## clean up files and objects to close unused connections