plotting gene expression

This example shows you some of the different plots you can use to plot gene expression.

import besca as bc
import pytest

# pytest.skip('Test is only for here as example and should not be executed')
# import data
adata = bc.datasets.Haber2017_processed()

compare two conditions

You can use the split violin plot to compare gene expression for two different conditions., genes=["Defa24", "Gm15284"], split_variable="donor")
  • plot split gene expression
  • plot split gene expression

use a stacked split violin plot to compare this for several genes at the same time
    genes=["Defa24", "Gm15284"],
plot split gene expression
merging a total of  3  datasubset

<Figure size 800x1500 with 2 Axes>

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.534 seconds)

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