besca.pp Package¶
Filter cell outliers based on counts, numbers of genes expressed, number of cells expressing a gene and mitochondrial gene content. |
Function to remove all genes specified in a gene list read from file. |
Calculate the fraction of cells positive for expression of a gene. |
Cacluate the fraction of reads being attributed to a specific gene. |
Calculate the mean expression of a gene. |
Give out the genes most frequently expressed in cells. |
Function to calculate fraction of counts per cell from a gene list. |
Give out the genes that contribute the largest fraction to the total UMI counts. |
Perform geometric normalization on CITEseq data. |
Estimates and returns the thresholds to use for gene/cell filtering based on outliers calculated from the deviation to the median QCs. |
Function to call scTransform normalization or HVG selection from Python. | Package¶
visualize the minimum gene per cell threshold. |
visualize the minimum UMI counts per cell threshold. |
visualize the minimum number of cells expressing a gene threshold. |
visualize maximum UMI counts per cell threshold. |
visualize maximum number of genes per cell threshold. |
visualize maximum mitochondrial gene percentage threshold. |
Plot number of dropouts. |
Plot number of detected genes. |
Plot library size. |
Generates overview figure of libarysize, dropouts and detected genes. |
Plot total gene counts vs detection probability. |
plot top n genes that contribute to fraction of counts per cell |
visualize gene expression of two groups as a split violin plot |
Stacked violin plot for visualization of genes expression. |
plot boxplot with values per individual. |
plot stacked split violin plots. |
generate a box and whisker plot with overlayed swarm plot of celltype abundances |
Generate a stacked bar plot of the percentage of labelcounts within each AnnData subset |
Generate a dot plot, filled with heatmap of individuals cells gene expression. |
Generate a dot plot, filled with heatmap of individuals cells gene expression to compare two conditions. |
Generate a dot plot, filled with heatmap of individuals cells gene expression to compare two conditions (greyscale). |
Update adata object such that the umap will adhere to the palette provided. |
Plot a nomenclature network based on annotation config file. |
Generate a riverplot/sanker diagram between two categories. |
Generate a dot plot showing average expression and fraction positive cells | Package¶
Generate dataframe containing the label counts/percentages of a specific column in adata.obs |
count occurrence of a label in adata.obs after subseting adata object |
count occurrence of a label for each condition in adata.obs after subseting adata object |
Function to add annotation to adata.obs based on clustering This function replaces the original cluster labels located in the column clustering_label with the new values specified in the list new_cluster_lables. |
reports basic metrics, produces confusion matrices and plots umap of prediction |
plots confusion matrices | Package¶
function to perform batch correction |
postprocessing to generate a newly functional AnnData object | Package¶
Perform differential gene expression between two conditions over many adata subsets. |
plot an interactive volcano plot based on toptable file. |
Get a table of significant DE genes at certain cutoffs Based on an AnnData object and an annotation category (e.g. | Package¶
Perform subclustering on specific celltype to identify subclusters. |
annotate new cellnames to each of the subclusters identified by running recluster. |
besca.Import Package¶
Read matrix.mtx, genes.tsv, barcodes.tsv to AnnData object. By specifiying an input folder this function reads the contained matrix.mtx, genes.tsv and barcodes.tsv files to an AnnData object. In case annotation = True it also adds the annotation contained in metadata.tsv to the object. :param filepath: filepath as string to the directory containg the matrix.mtx, genes.tsv, barcodes.tsv and if applicable metadata.tsv :type filepath: str :param annotation: boolian identifier if an annotation file is also located in the folder and should be added to the AnnData object :type annotation: bool (default = True) :param use_genes: either SYMBOL or ENSEMBL. Other genenames are not yet supported. :type use_genes: str :param species: string specifying the species, only needs to be used when no Gene Symbols are supplied and you only have the ENSEMBLE gene ids to perform a lookup. :type species: str | default = 'human' :param citeseq: string indicating if only gene expression values (gex_only) or only protein expression values ('citeseq_only') or everything is read if None is specified :type citeseq: 'gex_only' or 'citeseq_only' or False or None | default = None. |
add a labeling written out in the FAIR formating to adata.obs |
Asserts that an adata object is containing information needed for the besca pipeline to run and export information. |
besca.export Package¶
export adata object to mtx format (matrix.mtx, genes.tsv, barcodes.tsv) |
export adata.raw to .mtx (matrix.mtx, genes.tsv, barcodes, tsv) |
export mapping of cells to clusters to .tsv file |
export mapping of cells to specified label to .tsv file |
write out labeling info for uploading to database |
export plotting coordinates to analysis_metadata.tsv |
Generate Gene Expression Profile (GEP) from scRNA-seq annotations |
export marker genes for each cluster to .gct file |
export pseudobulk profiles of cells to .gct files | Package¶
Read matrix file as expected for the standard workflow. |
Export raw cp10k to FAIR format for loading into database |
Export regressedOut to FAIR format for loading into database |
Export cluster to cell mapping to FAIR format for loading into database |
Export metadata in FAIR format for loading into database |
Export ranked genes to FAIR format for loading into database |
Export celltype annotation to cell mapping in FAIR format for loading into database |
Standard Workflow function to export an additional labeling besides louvain to FAIR format. |
Standard Workflow function to export an additional labeling besides louvain to FAIR format. |